Directed by: Todor Valov
Set Designer: Natalia Gocheva
Text adaptation: Darko Kovachovsky
Music: Mirchev Plamen

Cast: Teodora Popa, Viorica Boda, Irina Melnic, Ramona Benchea-Mincu, Piekny Ghiciuc, Mădălin Costea, Rareș Bogdan Porca

Stage Director: Elena Madaras
Lights: Ovidiu Tămăşan
Sound: Florin Andrea
Stage technicians: Răzvan Laszlo

Making of sets and puppets: Master of puppets, Sofia, Bulgaria
Costumes: Mirela Tămăşan

Running time: 50 min.
Target audience age: 4+
Performance presented in Romanian

Short presentation of the performance:

“The Story of Little Muck” is a cautionary tale of how the appearance of man does not always match the inner content, as the soul and its qualities such as reason, intelligence, kindness, compassion, fairness … It must be remembered that the humanity and man’s spiritual purity are virtues to be praised not only during the European romanticism, whose representative is Wilhelm Hauff. These human values are eternal. However, in present days, they became vague, always subjected to aggression and cruelty, which is dehumanizing for society. Therefore, we believe that the subject is welcomed and necessary to public attention, especially when staged by the puppet theatre, a playful space with obvious educational functions.

Todor VALOV, Director

“The Story of the Little Muck” comes with a unique directorial approach. The puppets and animated objects are very expressive and worked in detail. The original music, along with an exceptional scenery is compelling from the outset and doubles perfectly the story’s line. You get the feeling of being in a wonderful, fairy tale world with an oriental tinge out of which you no longer wish to leave. The significance of the performance is achieved through exceptional expressiveness and the actors handling act. Production lasted more than three months with five weeks hands-on stage work with actors and technical staff. Congratulations to the entire production team!

Ioana BOGĂȚAN, Theatre Manager

Class Activities

Date : 13 Oct 2022

Teatrul Prichindel




Misiunea Teatrului de Păpuși „Prichindel” Alba Iulia este aceea de a oferi producţii și evenimente teatrale pentru a educa prin teatru, în vederea creșterii nivelului de dezvoltare culturală a comunităţii județului. Teatrul de Păpuși „Prichindel” Alba Iulia îşi desfăşoară activitatea pe baza programului de management elaborat de către director-manager, în concordanţă cu strategiile culturale şi educativ-formative stabilite de Consiliul Judeţean Alba.


Str. Andrei Mureșanu, Nr. 3, 510117, Alba Iulia, Jud. Alba, RO
+4 0372-758-351 / +4 0258 811 752