Fairy tale written by Queen Maria

Dramatization, lyrics and directed by – Toma Hogea
Stage Design – Alina Dincă Pușcașu
Music – Cari Tibor
Light design and projections – Lucian Moga

Cast: Tudor Cristian Popa, Teodora Popa, Laura Boboc, Irina Melnic, Mădălin Costea, Adam Boboc,
Iulian Costea, Ramona Benchea Mincu, Viorica Boda

Technical Director – Elena Madaras
Puppet sculpture and decor – Constantin Butoi
Painting – Alina Dincă Pușcașu
Costumes – Mirela Tămășan
Lights – Ovidiu Tămășan, Călin Popa
Sound – Florin Andrea
Stage hands – Gheorghe Hațegan, Florin Badiu

Theater manager – Ioana Bogățan

Genre: theater performance for children
Age: 7+
Running time: 1 h.
Suitable for: indoor / performance hall
Premiere: October 1st, 2022

Short presentation:
“The Shepherd and the Lady” is a unique story with romantic inflections, with emotion, with humor and lyrism, which bears the signature of Queen Mary. The first step in creating this show was the stage adaptation of the text, trying to bring forth the theme of the story: love and sacrifice.
“The Shepherd and the Lady” is not just a story of forbidden love, but rather a research upon the heart, upon happiness, upon our own important life decisions. If Faust sells his soul for immortality, in our story, the Shepherd does not sell his soul for immortality, instead he gives up his SOUL and FAITH for love, for the Lady!
The literary value of the story, loaded with metaphors and symbols, opened the soul and imagination of the creators: director, scenographer, composer and, obviously, the actors, to a great challenge and an original stage transposition.

Toma Hogea, artistic director

Class Activities

Date : 13 Oct 2022

Teatrul Prichindel




Misiunea Teatrului de Păpuși „Prichindel” Alba Iulia este aceea de a oferi producţii și evenimente teatrale pentru a educa prin teatru, în vederea creșterii nivelului de dezvoltare culturală a comunităţii județului. Teatrul de Păpuși „Prichindel” Alba Iulia îşi desfăşoară activitatea pe baza programului de management elaborat de către director-manager, în concordanţă cu strategiile culturale şi educativ-formative stabilite de Consiliul Judeţean Alba.


Str. Andrei Mureșanu, Nr. 3, 510117, Alba Iulia, Jud. Alba, RO
+4 0372-758-351 / +4 0258 811 752