Produced by – Thespis Arad Association
Artistic production – Omanut
Partner – “Prichindel” Puppet Theater Alba Iulia

Screenplay, direction and sound universe – Radu Dinulescu
Scenography – Marius Petrescu

Interpretation, puppeteering, puppet construction and decor – Teodora Popa and Viorica Boda

3D Images – Armand Richelet-Kleinberg (Belgium)
Technical Director – Elena Madaras
Lights – Ovidiu Tămășan
Video projection – Călin Popa
Sound – Florin Andrea

Non-verbal show
Genre: puppet theater for children
Running time: 50 min.
Age of target audience: 8+

Suitable for: indoor / performance hall

Short presentation
From a simple match – an entire universe is created. And the match came to life in the hands of the creator, just as our God did with us. The match man goes through the same fate as a human being does and faces the same problems. He lives, loves, starts a family, works, enjoys life, walks around, does shopping, gets sick…

Sensitivity, emotion, humor and play – you will discover them all in the story that will unfold before your eyes, accompanied by spectacular images and carefully chosen music, to compose this very special universe, created by Radu Dinulescu, inspired by the world seen through the photographic lens of Marius Petrescu.

Literary Secretary,
Cristina Smadea

Class Activities

Date : 13 Oct 2022

Teatrul Prichindel




Misiunea Teatrului de Păpuși „Prichindel” Alba Iulia este aceea de a oferi producţii și evenimente teatrale pentru a educa prin teatru, în vederea creșterii nivelului de dezvoltare culturală a comunităţii județului. Teatrul de Păpuși „Prichindel” Alba Iulia îşi desfăşoară activitatea pe baza programului de management elaborat de către director-manager, în concordanţă cu strategiile culturale şi educativ-formative stabilite de Consiliul Judeţean Alba.


Str. Andrei Mureșanu, Nr. 3, 510117, Alba Iulia, Jud. Alba, RO
+4 0372-758-351 / +4 0258 811 752