Show made by Laura and Adam Boboc

Genre: puppet theater for children
Age: 3+
Running time: 50 min.
Suitable for: indoor / outdoor

The fun laboratory is an interactive show with string puppets that invites the children to explore and experiment through play.

Dollo and Lollo have a laboratory that welcomes all children willing to experiment through play and joy. Thus, using fantasy as the main ingredient, they will be able to travel both in the past and in the future. Through a very ingenious balancing exercise, Lollo and the little researchers will discover the secrets of gravity, managing to “cancel” it for a few moments.
With help from the clever assistant Johnny, the evolution and the secrets of flight will be revealed in an unsuspecting way. After such a “challenging” research, a moment of relaxation is welcome. Nothing can be easier, and for this we invite into the magical laboratory Ciufulici the unrivaled juggler and the ballerinas Nina and Tina.

Class Activities

Date : 13 Oct 2022

Teatrul Prichindel




Misiunea Teatrului de Păpuși „Prichindel” Alba Iulia este aceea de a oferi producţii și evenimente teatrale pentru a educa prin teatru, în vederea creșterii nivelului de dezvoltare culturală a comunităţii județului. Teatrul de Păpuși „Prichindel” Alba Iulia îşi desfăşoară activitatea pe baza programului de management elaborat de către director-manager, în concordanţă cu strategiile culturale şi educativ-formative stabilite de Consiliul Judeţean Alba.


Str. Andrei Mureșanu, Nr. 3, 510117, Alba Iulia, Jud. Alba, RO
+4 0372-758-351 / +4 0258 811 752