"Prichindel" Puppet Theater Alba Iulia is a public institution subordinated to the Alba County Council, which organizes and presents theater performances with puppets / marionettes and actors for children.The institution was established by the Ministry of Culture, by decision no. 201 of September 1952, as a professional puppet theater, with legal status and in 1994 it is taken over by the Inspectorate for Culture of the Alba County, subsequently entering in the subordination of the Alba County Council. Since its establishment it had management, administration, own budget. In fulfilling the aesthetic destiny of the theater have contributed over time important directors, set designers and composers.

"Prichindel" Puppet Theater is the only institution of its kind in the county. It is an active presence in the life of the city, involved in organizing school festivities, numerous charity performances, exhibitions, concerts, national holidays, being always a generous partner and open to collaborations in a wide range of cultural events.

The basic activity of the institution is the making and presentation of performances for children in the home town, county and country, performing both at the theater home stage and at the community centers or houses of culture in other cities. Its performances are also present in national and international festivals.

"Prichindel" Puppet Theater mission is to educate the audience through art and to promote performing arts and also to foster cultural exchanges between areas and countries. Creating theater performances for children using mainly the art of animation and other forms of theatrical expression are part of the institution's nature and specificity.

The theater adapts to the nature of the public, by diversifying its offer of performances through the artistic view of its collaborating directors but also by selecting the titles that make up the repertoire. Organizing a grand festival, the "STORIES" International Theater Festival Alba Iulia, for an audience of all ages, has brought about the idea to create a projects theater that addresses mainly to young people and adults.

The promotion of the values found in the Romanian and universal literature, classical and contemporary can be seen in the theater staged performances.The Puppet Theater also initiated and conducts projects and programs in the field of formative-artistical cultural education.

PROJECTS (museum, exhibitions, workshops, etc.)
- presentation of performances at home stage and different other locations (tournaments)
- production of new performances (premieres)
- free access to the performances for children from orphanages, special schools, foster homes, people with disabilities
- workshops for children (kindergarten), students, adults: set design workshop, theater workshop, puppet wielding workshop, acting workshop, flamenco guitar workshop, flamenco dance workshop
- book, CD's, magazines launches
- conferences
- press conferences
- photo exhibitions, caricature
- exhibitions
- concerts
- projection of documentary film
- video projections
- partnerships / projects with other cultural institutions
- participation in national and international theater festivals
- celebration of the festive days dedicated to theater: World Day of Theater for Children and Young People, World Puppetry Day.
- home theater

- technique of wielding the puppets - vayang type
- semimarionettes
- oversized puppets
- masks
- actors in sight

The STORIES International Theater Festival Alba Iulia

organized by "PRICHINDEL" Puppet Theater Alba Iulia and Alba County Council

Since 2006 "PRICHINDEL" Puppet Theater Alba Iulia with Alba County Council, established one of the most sought after and popular theater festivals in Romania, STORIES International Theater Festival of Alba Iulia – The festival has an original format and is open to all age groups. It includes performances for children, youth and adults, concerts, workshops, CD and book launches, exhibitions (theatrical costumes, photos, cartoons, scenography sketches), press conferences, thematic discussions etc. The Festival has its own newspaper that comes out for each edition covering every day of the program with daily events, news, reviews, interviews, photos and more.
Theater Halls full of spectators, events sold out, the straightforward views and opinions of specialists, guests of the festival (directors, actors, set designers, theater critics) but also spectators, constant requests of foreign theatrical companies to participate in the festival, the request of theaters and companies who participated in the festival to return for future editions are just several elements pointing out that over its 14 editions the Stories International Theater Festival Alba Iulia has become a prestigious cultural event, both famous and necessary in the development of regional and national cultural life.

Teatrul Prichindel




Misiunea Teatrului de Păpuși „Prichindel” Alba Iulia este aceea de a oferi producţii și evenimente teatrale pentru a educa prin teatru, în vederea creșterii nivelului de dezvoltare culturală a comunităţii județului. Teatrul de Păpuși „Prichindel” Alba Iulia îşi desfăşoară activitatea pe baza programului de management elaborat de către director-manager, în concordanţă cu strategiile culturale şi educativ-formative stabilite de Consiliul Judeţean Alba.


Str. Andrei Mureșanu, Nr. 3, 510117, Alba Iulia, Jud. Alba, RO
+4 0372-758-351 / +4 0258 811 752